Notice of privacy

Pursuant the articles 15, 16 and the rest related to and applicable of the Federal Law of Personal Data Protection Held by Private Parties, we wish to inform you that SV REDES Y SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES PARA EDUCACION Y CAPACITACION, SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA, whose registered office is at Nebulosa Street, #2870, Jardines del Bosque neighborhood, ZIP Code 44520, Guadalajara, Jalisco, is responsible for gathering your personal data and also for the usage and the protection of it.
Personal data we gather from you will be used for the following purposes:
- The complying of the contracted duties regarding the contractual relationship, whether due to the service provision, commercial or business, labor, professional or any other nature, that we hold and execute.
- To keep you informed about our company’s policies.
- To carry out the service provision regarding the e-learning platform.
- To carry out the service provision regarding the customized content creation for electronic learning.
- To elaborate the corresponding documentation with the purpose of creating your personal record, so we can identify you in any type of relationship you hold with SV REDES Y SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES PARA EDUCACION Y CAPACITACION, SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA, or/and it’s affiliated or subsidiary companies, just as any modification or issue experienced during the validity of the relationship.
Additionally, we will use your personal data for the following objectives, that are not necessary for the corresponding contractual purposes, but that allow us and makes us easier to provide you with a better assistance:
6. Marketing, advertising and research objectives, according to your needs and interests.
7. Statistics and quality assurance of the service.
In case you do not want your personal data to be treated for the additional purposes, you can state your opposition from the moment we place at your disposal the following Integral Notice of Privacy:
What personal data do we gather and use about you?
In order to comply with the described purposes at this notice of privacy and derived from the contractual relationship, whether due to the service provision, commercial or business, labor, professional or any other nature, that we hold and execute, we will use your personal data of identification and contact, that can consist of: complete name, age, date of birth, sex, marital status, ID card and ITIN, copies of official identifications, fiscal data, bank account and financial income information, autograph signature, address, phone number and invidual email and any other required information for the compliance of the corresponding duties.
Your personal data mentioned above includes those provided to SV REDES Y SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES PARA EDUCACION Y CAPACITACION, SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA, by any means known or to be known, for example: through email, webpage, telephone, instant messaging, fax, written by format filling, through signing contracts or/and agreements, written and/or by email, through printed advertisements or any other means.
All information and data mentioned previously, will be treated as confidential, the access will be restricted and its nature prevented from the people that access it because of operational matters. SV REDES Y SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES PARA EDUCACION Y CAPACITACION, SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA, has established and adopted the technical, administratives, digital, and physical reasonable security measures that allow to protect personal data against any damage, alteration, destruction or lost just as the use, access or non authorized treatment of it, restricting the access to unauthorized personnel both digital databases and physical files, where personal data is stored. Regarding the authorized personnel, in order to access and treat personal data, they have been informed about this notice of privacy and they have subscribed to the corresponding legal instruments, where they commit to treat, use and protect properly the personal data we gather from third parties in terms of the present notice of privacy and those that take place in physical and virtual files and in any other mean of SV REDES Y SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES PARA EDUCACION Y CAPACITACION, SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA.
SV REDES Y SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES PARA EDUCACION Y CAPACITACION, SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA informs that, regarding the business unit of the e-learning platform, the responsibility for gathering, using , treating and protecting personal data inside the platform are those natural and legal persons who use and have the corresponding platform – our clients and – and that derived from their diverses relationship with third parties, have the need to gather personal data. The mentioned e-learning platform only contains the personal data, however, the gathering, treatment, usage and protection of that personal data is the responsibility of those natural and legal persons – our clients – mentioned previously; they must have with their corresponding notice of privacy and protection of personal data policies and make them public. Nevertheless, SV REDES Y SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES PARA EDUCACION Y CAPACITACION, SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA, is committed to use, protect and treat in terms of the present notice of privacy and in compliance with the stipulations of the Law of the matter, personal data of third parties, regarding the usage of the platform used by our clients.
Use of data in integrations with third-party APIs
Our platform allows users to use Google and Microsoft services to access advanced features, personalize their experience, and facilitate their access to the platforms. The personal data collected is limited to the minimum necessary to fulfill the specific purposes described below:
Login with Google and Microsoft (OAuth2)
Upon request, our platform allows users to log in using their Google or Microsoft accounts. This facilitates access in a secure manner and by linking the corresponding user previously registered on the platform.
Data collected:
- Email address.
- Full name.
- Profile photo (if available).
Purpose: The data collected is used solely to authenticate the user’s identity and allow them to access the platform.
Security measures: Authentication is performed using secure protocols (OAuth2), and the transmitted data is encrypted with SSL/TLS.
Google Drive (/auth/drive)
Users can connect their Google Drive accounts to upload files directly to the platform.
Data collected and use: We only access files that the user explicitly selects to upload. These files are used exclusively as part of educational content.
Access limits: We do not perform any other access, changes or deletions of content within the user’s Google Drive account.
YouTube (/auth/youtube)
Our platform allows YouTube videos to be integrated as learning materials into content.
Data collected and use: Users can connect their YouTube accounts to select videos to be integrated into the platform as educational content.
Access limits: Only videos selected by the user are accessed. We do not make any changes to the content or settings of the user’s account.
Users have the right to revoke permissions granted through their account settings:
Google: From the Google security center.
Microsoft: From the Microsoft security center.
Also, pursuant the article 37 of the Federal Law of Personal Data Protection Held by Private Parties, we wish to inform you that your confidential information could be transferred to the corresponding collaborators and/or employees, service providers, affiliated or subsidiary companies, clients, suppliers, commercial partners or any other international or national third party, both natural and legal persons we have an operational bond with, provided that the confidential information transference is necessary for the complying of any licit purpose, tending to accomplish the mentioned objectives in the present notice of privacy and the derived duties of the contractual relationship, whether due to the service provision, commercial or business, labor, professional or any other nature, held or to be held in the interest of the personal data owner, of the responsible and a third party. Those third parties, in turn, commit themselves to treat personal data in accordance with the stipulated in the present notice of privacy and in the Law of matter.
In addition, we inform you that the confidential information provided could be transferred to any competent authority that requires it according to the current applicable regulations and authorized for that purpose; also when confidential information derives an alleged commission of criminal offense; or when a legal or contractual disposition is infringed notoriously.
Besides, for not anticipated cases in the article 37 of the Federal Law of Personal Data Protection Held by Private Parties, where the information owner requires to provide consent for the personal data transference to third parties external to SV REDES Y SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES PARA EDUCACION Y CAPACITACION, SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA, you recognize that by not expressing a denial for those transferences, you give us tacit consent through the present notice of privacy and we understand that you agree with the use and treatment of your personal data.
You have the right to know which personal data we have about you, for what reason we use them and the conditions under which we use them (Access). Also, you have the right to request the correction of your personal information in case it is not updated or accurate or if it is incomplete (Rectification); you can request the elimination of data bases of our records when you consider that is not being used in accordance with the principles, duties and responsibilities expected in the regulations (Cancellation); just like opposing the use of your personal data for specific purposes (Opposition). Those rights are known as ‘’ARCO Rights).
In the same way, you have the right to revoke the given consent for the treatment of your personal data. However, it is important to keep in mind that we can not attend your request in all the cases or conclude the use immediately, since it is possible that due to any legal obligation or a held contractual duty, we are required to keep treating your personal data. Also, you must consider that for certain purposes, the consent revocation will imply that we won’t comply with the contractual relationship, whether due to the service provision, commercial or business, labor, professional or any other nature we held, or the conclusion of the relationship with us, as the case may be, which will be govern in accordance with the agreed rules in the legal instrument we held with you.
For the exercise of any of the ARCO rights, and the right to revoke your consent to the personal data treatment, you must present the corresponding request to the email:, or in a physical way, written and with acknowledgment of receipt from SV REDES Y SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES PARA EDUCACION Y CAPACITACION, SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA, in the address located at Nebulosa Street, #2870, Jardines del Bosque neighborhood, ZIP Code 44520, Guadalajara, Jalisco.
Para el ejercicio de cualquiera de los derechos ARCO, y de su derecho de revocar su consentimiento al tratamiento de sus datos personales, usted deberá presentar la solicitud respectiva al correo electrónico: o de manera física, por escrito y con acuse de recibido de parte de SV REDES Y SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES PARA EDUCACION Y CAPACITACION, SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA, en el
domicilio ubicado en calle Nebulosa, número 2870, Colonia Jardines del Bosque, código postal 44520, Guadalajara, Jalisco.
The request mentioned must contain, at least:
- Complete name of the personal data owner.
- Address of the personal data owner or other means to notify the request’s answer.
- Documentation that confirms the identity or in other cases, the legal personality or representation of the owner.
- Clear and accurate description of the information and personal data the owner wants to exercise an ARCO right with, or the right to revoke their consent for personal data treatment.
- Any element that allows the location of personal data and the appropriate assistance and resolution of the request.
- Any other information that supports the request.
Once your request is received, it will be followed up within a period of 20 working days considered from the request’s reception, then an answer will be delivered. The period mentioned could be extended for another 20 days, if there was a justified cause determined by SV REDES Y SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES PARA EDUCACION Y CAPACITACION, SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA.
Finally, we wish to notify you that the present Notice of Privacy could suffer modifications, changes or updates derived from reforms or additions to the current applicable regulations, from our privacy practices, from changes in our business model, among others.
We commit to keep you informed about this situation, through our official website: The present Notice of Privacy can be consulted in the mentioned website and also through the platform login site, there, the notice of privacy must be accepted once you access with your username and password in order to continue with the navigation.
1st April, 2022, last update of the present Notice of Privacy.